Stop and Go Walking Technique: Teaching Your Dog to Walk Nicely on a Leash

Walking your dog should be a pleasant experience for both of you, but when your dog pulls on the leash, it can become frustrating and even unsafe. The stop-and-go walking technique is an effective method to teach your dog to walk calmly on a leash without pulling. This simple yet powerful approach encourages your dog to stay close to you and follow your lead. Here’s how to implement the stop-and-go walking technique.

 Why Use the Stop and Go Walking Technique?

1. Prevents Pulling: This technique helps your dog learn that pulling on the leash will not get them where they want to go.

2. Promotes Calm Walking: It encourages your dog to walk calmly beside you, making walks more enjoyable.

3. Enhances Control: By using this technique, you maintain better control over your dog, ensuring their safety and yours.

 How to Implement the Stop and Go Walking Technique

1. Start with the Basics:

Before heading out, make sure your dog is wearing a comfortable and well-fitted harness or collar and a sturdy leash. Begin your walk in a quiet area with minimal distractions.

2. Begin Walking:

Start walking at a normal pace. Allow your dog to explore but keep them close enough that there is a slight slack in the leash.

3. Stop When the Leash Pulls Tight:

As soon as your dog begins to pull and the leash tightens, stop walking immediately. Do not yank or pull the leash back; simply stand still and wait.

4. Wait for Slack:

Wait patiently until your dog stops pulling and there is wiggle room in the leash again. This may take a few seconds or longer, depending on your dog’s level of excitement and training.

5. Resume Walking:

Once there is slack in the leash, resume walking. If your dog pulls again, repeat the process: stop walking and wait for the leash to loosen.

6. Use Positive Reinforcement:

When your dog walks nicely beside you without pulling, reward them with praise, treats, or a favorite toy. Positive reinforcement helps your dog understand that walking calmly beside you leads to rewards.

7. Be Consistent:

Consistency is key to the success of the stop-and-go walking technique. Apply this method every time you walk your dog to reinforce the desired behavior.

 Tips for Success

1. Stay Patient: Training your dog to walk nicely on a leash takes time and patience. Be prepared for gradual progress and remain consistent in your approach.

2. Use Short Sessions: Start with short training sessions to avoid overwhelming your dog. Gradually increase the duration as your dog improves.

3. Avoid Distractions: Initially, practice the stop-and-go technique in a low-distraction environment. As your dog gets better, you can gradually introduce more challenging settings.

4. Combine with Other Commands: Integrate basic commands like “sit” and “stay” during your walks to enhance overall training and control.

 Benefits of the Stop and Go Walking Technique

- Improved Behavior: Dogs learn that pulling on the leash does not lead to forward movement, promoting better walking behavior.

- Enhanced Bond: Regular training sessions strengthen the bond between you and your dog, as you work together towards a common goal.

- Safer Walks: Teaching your dog to walk calmly reduces the risk of accidents and injuries, making walks safer for both of you.


The stop-and-go walking technique is a simple yet effective method to teach your dog to walk calmly on a leash without pulling. By stopping when the leash pulls tight and resuming only when there is slack, you communicate to your dog that pulling is not acceptable. Consistent application of this technique, combined with positive reinforcement, will lead to more enjoyable and stress-free walks.

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Stop and Go Walking Technique: Teaching Your Dog to Walk Nicely on a Leash