How to Say Hi to a Dog for the First Time: A Guide to Proper Introductions

Meeting a dog for the first time can be an exciting experience, but it's important to approach the interaction correctly to ensure the dog feels comfortable and safe. At Pawesome Concierge, we believe in fostering positive encounters between humans and dogs by following a few simple guidelines. Here's how to say hi to a dog for the first time in a way that respects their space and encourages a positive connection.

Why Proper Introductions Matter

  1. Builds Trust: Approaching a dog correctly helps build trust and sets the stage for a positive relationship.
  2. Ensures Safety: Respecting a dog's personal space can prevent fear-based reactions, such as snapping or biting.
  3. Promotes Comfort: A proper introduction helps the dog feel at ease, reducing anxiety and stress.

Steps to Say Hi to a Dog for the First Time

  1. Ask for Permission:

Always ask the dog’s owner for permission before approaching their dog. Some dogs may be shy, fearful, or have specific behavioral issues that the owner can inform you about.

  1. Approach Calmly:

Walk towards the dog slowly and calmly. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that might startle the dog.

  1. Avoid Direct Eye Contact:

Direct eye contact can be perceived as a threat by some dogs. Instead, glance at the dog occasionally while keeping a relaxed posture.

  1. Let the Dog Approach You:

Stand or kneel at a comfortable distance and allow the dog to come to you. This gives the dog control over the interaction and helps them feel more secure.

  1. Offer Your Hand for Sniffing:

Extend your hand slowly and palm up, allowing the dog to sniff you. This is their way of getting to know you through scent.

  1. Pet Under the Chin:

If the dog seems comfortable and relaxed, gently pet them under the chin or on the chest. Avoid reaching over their head, as this can be intimidating and make them feel uneasy.

  1. Observe Body Language:

Pay close attention to the dog's body language. Signs of comfort include a relaxed posture, wagging tail, and soft eyes. Signs of discomfort or fear include a tucked tail, ears back, and avoiding eye contact. If the dog shows any signs of discomfort, give them more space.

Tips for a Positive Interaction

  1. Stay Calm and Relaxed: Dogs can sense your emotions, so staying calm and relaxed will help put the dog at ease.
  2. Use a Gentle Voice: Speak in a soft, reassuring tone to convey friendliness and reduce any potential anxiety.
  3. Respect Boundaries: If the dog does not approach you or shows signs of discomfort, respect their space and do not force the interaction.
  4. Be Patient: Building trust takes time. Be patient and let the dog set the pace for the interaction.

Benefits of Proper Introductions

- Enhanced Trust: Proper introductions build trust between you and the dog, paving the way for a positive relationship.

- Reduced Stress: Approaching a dog correctly helps reduce their stress and anxiety, making the encounter pleasant for both parties.

- Improved Safety: Respecting the dog's space and signals prevents negative reactions and ensures a safe interaction.


Saying hi to a dog for the first time requires patience, respect, and an understanding of canine body language. By following these steps, you can create a positive and comfortable experience for both you and the dog. Remember, a proper introduction sets the foundation for a lasting and trusting relationship.

Pawsome Concierge offers a variety of services for pet owners who want the best for their animals. Contact your PAWSOME Concierge by email; or by phone; 1 866 222 3022


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How to Say Hi to a Dog for the First Time: A Guide to Proper Introductions